
Thesis project

Brief – Design a Digital Detox smartphone
110 cum Laude in Product Design
a.a. 2017/2018



Stefano Nasetti

DS01 is built on the idea of awareness
and on how the user is not forced not to use
the phone but he self-regulate.

Everything revolves around our time
and not the one imposed by an object.


DS01 uses different gestures made on other
everyday objects: the clock and the hourglass.

Hands, black&white photo
Zoom of a watch mechanism
Hands touching each other
Zoomed hourglass

Light not to "get lost"

The more you use DS01, the more the hourglass lights up.
In this way you understand the real use of the phone.
Each hole coincides to 10 minutes.

Three different hours: description of the DS01 using
An hand that keep the DS01 project

The time deceives us

Everytime we want to know the time, we unlock the smartphone and we look other things.

DS01 has a clock on the back. This, with the pleasing graphics, incites the user
to turn the smartphone down to eliminate the attractiveness of the display.

Do you want more time?
Don’t waste it.

Back view of the DS01 telephone and the description of the clock

Manage what matters

Pushing the control wheel, you (un)lock the smartphone
and turning it, the apps are displayed one by one not to “get lost” in a wider menu. Than you browse touching.
Pulling it, the settings are visible. By joining together these gestures, you adjust the volume. The movement is mono-stable.

Red gripped material to give it relevance and to increase
the ergonomics.

Different images of the DS01 telephone concept. There is the home, internet and the whatsapp application.
Detail of the red wheel of the project DS01 for the Punkt company
On, trembling, no alerts and off. The features of the DS01 project

More instants for ourselves

You can choose to block all alerts or to keep active calls
and SMS, usually urgent.

Why slide? It refers figuratively to the passage of the time.
The movement goes from the inner (us) to the outer (the others).

Red gripped material like the control wheel.

Rendering of the project DS01 for Punkt company. Detail of the side
Exploded view of the DS01 project for Punkt company
Three different versions of the project DS01: black, white and brown
Living, Enjoying, Working
Control Wheel
Setting 3/4
DS01 on OVER